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Counts of various valid value instances within 1 column

7 - Meteor



I have a file that has 10 valid values that could show up in any combination of 1-10 of them. The various valid values are: 1. Incorrect Information, 2. Customer Service, 3. Resolution Efforts, 4. Spelling/Grammar, 5. System Notes, 6. Untimely Follow-Up, 7. Clinical Eligible, 8. Vendor Eligible, 9. Other or 10. N/A.

Because 1 cell may have 1 of these values and another cell may have 3 and another could have all 10 values, I cannot use Transpose/CRosstab/Summary to get counts. I thought that I could use the multi-field formula tool to look for existence and apply a 1 and then create a new column for each value but am getting a parse error at char (75):


Is this even possible?


At the end of the day, I know that I have 276 instances of "Incorrect Information" and would like to be able to get unique counts where I could then use the Summarize tool to give me totals by agent.






20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

A sample Input and desired output would be better for us to take a closer look.

My wild guess is that we can use the "Text to Column" tool first to parse the data first, based on your delimter.


7 - Meteor

Thanks, Qiu. That got me to where I was trying to get (I keep forgetting that that also converts text to ROWS :))

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

Glad to help.
