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Converting Date to m/d/y format in Date Type

Bola de fuego



I am a kind of confuse with this since every time I have a date in string format and I use the parse tool to convert to Date format, it always convert to format YYYY-MM-DD instead of MM/DD/YYYY. And when I convert this YYYY-MM-DD to MM/DD/YYYY using the formula tool, it change back to String format.


Can someone help me how I can convert a Date in string format changing to Date Data Type with format mm/dd/yyyy? For example


2024-10-05 (string data type) convert to 10/5/2024 (date data type)

2025-08-10 (string data type) convert to 08/10/2025 (date data type)

2014-14-15 (string data type) convert to 14/15/2014 (date data type)

2018-01-01 (string data type) convert to 1/1/2014 (date data type)


Please advise.



@KamenRider Alteryx only support the ISO Date type which is in YYYY-MM-DD format, for any other format you need to convert into String type

Bola de fuego

Hi @binuacs 


Is there anyway I could convert it to Date Type with mm/dd/yyyy format? I am getting an error when I append it with database (MS Access) since the date's there is in date data type and the format is mm/dd/yyyy. I need to make the new data being appended the same to perfectly combined in the database.


Please advise.



@KamenRider If you change the format from YYYY-MM-DD to any other format then then data type should be String type, Can you convert the MS Access date format to YYYY-MM-DD and try append with Alteryx data?

Bola de fuego

Hi  @binuacs 


Thanks for the response. My only dilemma is that we don't own the database so we can't just change anything to it. The Alteryx I am building is to append the weekly data we process going to the database. Is there anyway you can think of that could possible solve this problem. What I can think of is to adjust the data types on my part to correctly added my data to the database. However as you can see, we are seeing some issue or restrictions.


Hope you could help me on this. Thanks,




This should convert automatically at an ODBC level from Alteryx date to Access date. At least in my head that's how this works - and this Python thread seems to validate it:

Bola de fuego

 Hi @apathetichell , thanks for your ideas. Have read the articles however, I can't understand how I can apply it to Alteryx. Can you provide me some examples on how I am going to do it.





Let me back up - when you connect to Microsoft Access I believe you have an ODBC driver (ie the system office driver - or whatever it's called).


That provides instructions on how different formats are configured to load into and out of access. That should do the interpretation between an Alteryx date format and an Access date format - without you having to make any formatting changes. The stackoverflow discussion I posted provides an example of the under the hood translation to an Access syntax which occurs.

Bola de fuego

 HI @apathetichell 


Are you referring to this? Which one?




Please advise.




do you have this installed? If you have this installed it should convert your date formats. That is what this should do - and if not it is a product failure on the driver. The driver's job is to interpret data and types and write it to the destination system (ie Access).
