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Convert SAP BusinessObjects Webi Reporting Environment to Alteryx

8 - Asteroid

We have a rather large BO environment and are looking into converting that to Alteryx.  Does anyone have experience with doing a large scale conversion?

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If the Webi reporting is formatted tables then Alteryx is a good choice to replicate. If you are wanting an end-user self-service platform, I would recommend either Tableau or PowerBI. You would ideally review the current Webi reports and verify that no changes are required before converting/migrating over as you would want to capture and implement changes during this transition to avoid re-work later.


Using the report tools, batch emailing/distribution, and implementing the business rules/transformation logic all within workflows would be the ideal path to take. You could then schedule these jobs as required or build them as apps to be user-triggered/parameterized. I would use an agile methodology doing 2-3 week sprints and iterating through reports one at a time to have constant releases to the business.


You might also be able to find redundancies or obsolete reports that will get removed or merged into others to reduce the total number of reports/make the solution lean.

8 - Asteroid

I agree with your solution and potential streamlinig of the reports by doing this.  Our reporting solution will consist of scheduled reports, ad hoc parameterized reports and Power Bi solutions.  One challenge is what to do about the symantic layer.  We have a number of complex Universes.  We also host  Crystal Reports based reporting solutions.  Those reports are very involded and use Business View for cascading prompts.  This will obviously change our server usage so we need to figure out how to use the BO usage and processing stats to estimate changes to our Server needs.
