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Control Containers Python Tool

6 - Meteoroid

Hi Alteryx Community,


Do any users have experience using the new control container functionality in combination with the Python tool? Or know if the two can work together?


I'd built a test case with control containers and got that working as expected (with very basic tools inside). However, when I transitioned to my actual use case that involves using the python tool inside the control container, the python tool would try to run even though the control container was not activated.


Appreciate any feedback on this.



19 - Altair

Python tool does not need input to run - so it's possible tha the control containers would have an issue with it. In order to not run the python tool you'd need to deactivate your container... I don't use control containers - but i'd look into deactivating it natively and activating it on demand to test this.

5 - Atom

Were you able to find any solution for this? I am facing same issue 

19 - Altair

Did you follow my suggestion and have the control container set up in disabled mode -> and then toggled on? My hunch is disabling the python tool via control container at run time may not work ---> however ENABLING a disabled python tool is quite likely to work. I do not use these tools --> so this is all hypothesis.

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