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Conditional workflow execution

6 - Meteoroid

Hi all,


I have tried building an app where there are three options: A,B,C that the users can select. And for each selection, I want Alteryx to only execute the workflow specific to the option selected.


I tried using container box to trigger the relevant workflow, and I think it works but it seems to still be rendering the reports from each workflow at the final step. 


Is there a solution for this where the irrlevant report would not be rendered?





Screenshot 2024-02-12 151433.png

8 - Asteroid

 Dear @jakezhang 


As per your requirement you can Radio button switch you can refer example of the radio button which help to switch easily.

Also you can refer one more example under Help >> Sample Workflow >> Starter kit >> Analytic app
At there they have 3 workflow which use similar contain


Mark as solved if you get solution

Happy Solving!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This Community post should help too: Enable/Disable container box - Alteryx Community
