Hi Guys,
would be great if you could help me with this issue.
Based on the filter tool you see in the screenshot below, my output should be created.
That is, if the condition of the Filter Tool matches, my calculation and output should be made with the "True" output. If the condition is not met, the calculations should be created with the False output.
Could the Detour Tool be an option?
Thanks in advance!
Hi @verast23
Is the filter logic not working properly?
For the Detour you would need to set up a conditional somewhere to do this, so it would end up being something similar to the Filter logic. But depending on what you want to do, a Detour could also provide you with a solution.
Hi @pedrodrfaria ,
thanks for your answer, it works now. I had always an error, but managed to fix it. The filter tool is enough.