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Conditional Formating

8 - Asteroid

Hello Friends,


I have attached a sample file. I need to color the fonts of the rows not the header as I have already done that. I am facing some issue to color all the rows depending on condition. Like, 


1st Condition is - If column B have "UNDER 350K" then all the rows line Column A to E data should be in RED and BOLD letter.


2nd Condition is - If column B have "UNDER 350K" and Column E have >0 then all the rows line Column A to E data should be in GREEN and BOLD letter.


3rd Condition is - If column B have "UNDER 350K" and Column D have Y then all the rows line Column A to E data should be in LIGHT BLUE and BOLD letter.


4th Condition is - rest of the data should be only in BLACK color without BOLD letter.


I did this separately but is it possible to do with one formula in the TABLE tool?



12 - Quasar

I made the row rules in the table. Let me know if there are issues.



8 - Asteroid

Thanks @ed_hayter. It is working. Learned something new. 😊

8 - Asteroid

