Hi all,
I am brand new, taking the courses, and learning fast. Great tool!
I have two data sets with millions of rows that should contain the same set of data. I am trying to find the differences.
For both sets I concatenated three columns to create an unique ID column.
I want to compare the two unique ID columns to see the % match / mismatch.
How do I do that? Is there a way to see the % match between the two? The below data table is an example of what I am talking about.
Customer Name | Customer ID | Number of purchases | Concat 1 |
John | 1 | 10 | John110 |
Bob | 2 | 11 | Bob211 |
Sally | 3 | 12 | Sally312 |
Customer Name | Customer ID | Number of purchases | Concat 2 |
John | 1 | 10 | John110 |
Bob | 2 | 11 | Bob211 |
Jenny | 4 | 13 | Jenny413 |
You want to know how many columns are match for each row? For example, 2 out of 3 columns match=> 66.7%, 1 out of 3 columns match=>33.3%, correct?
If so, you can transpose table and compare them by JOIN and identify difference by formula tool...so on. Please see attached workflow.
By the way, I suppose you create unique column by concat first three column, however, I recommend to put a separator like semi-colon ; vertical bar| etc..
For example, if there is another record like:
Customer Name: John, Customer ID: 11, Number of purchases: 0
Then, concat value would be John110, which is identical to first record, and not a unique one! By using separator, they look like;
These values become unique.
Thank you for the response. I truly appreciate it. I will look it over.
@danniboy3000 I've seen many options to compare data sets. If you only need to compare 2 columns, a Join or Transpose may be easiest. If you ever need to compare many columns, see links below.
Community > Support > Knowledge > Designer > How To: Compare Data from Two Data sets
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