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Combining Render output on different workbooks and adding to that an excel tab

7 - Meteor



I am trying to use the render tool to split my reports into different workbooks and then to the same workbook an excel tab, The problem is that when i do this and open the spreadsheet up i get an error message and the tab with the excel data in is blank,


The workflow that i have been using is attached but i have modified it so i get an output per group.

17 - Castor

@Davonalt , Please follow steps mentioned on below link to achieve your desired result. Also attaching a sample workflow doing the same.


Sapna Gupta
7 - Meteor


Thank for that. However this produces one excel file. I want to split it by group into multiple excel files. With the detail as another tab.

In your example you would say have the region as a excel output with the tabs you have created but only relating to that region. 

13 - Pulsar

Hey @Davonalt 

Would you be able to share your expected output?

We can use that to back into how your workflow should be updated based on this guidance.

7 - Meteor

Hi sure


Here you go. So i have a spreadsheet for all of east details and it is call east. so i want there to be one for West, South etc.

13 - Pulsar

@Davonalt Got it. I am not seeing the same data in the workflow you provided earlier; however, I think what you'll need to do is use the "Group By" functionality in the table tool.

From there you'll be able to group by Region / Category and generate the different summaries of data you are looking for.

Those can be grouped together using layout tools and select the "Each Group of Records" option and grouping on the required fields.


By the end of the workflow, you'll have 4 different render tools that for your different regions with the way im picturing this working. 






Hope this helps.


7 - Meteor



Thanks, however this was just an example. The actual data that i am working on needs to produce over 30 spreadsheets and that figure is variable. So it could be 15 one day and 30 the next.


If you can do this with the output tool however i am really struggling with render as i keep trying to solve the issue but it does not lend itself to have multiple worksheets and multiple tabs. As i have suggested i have got it to a point of one worksheet per table (render) and then try to add to that spreadsheet a tab of excel data however i cannot open it without an error on excel. I will try to supply a mock work flow. 


7 - Meteor



Here you go. So it's creating the correct content but when you open a file in EXCEL it errors out.

13 - Pulsar

@Davonalt Is this what you are looking for?

7 - Meteor



Thanks again. But i want a tab with the summary and a tab showing the detail.

