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Columns missing after workflow re-open

8 - Asteroid



I have a workflow where I need to use the report table and render tool for formatting.

I also have a few column rules to apply in order to highlight some of my fields.

I am using the dynamic input to grab my files and everything seems fine until I close the workflows and re-open, seems like the fields disappear until I re-run the workflow then they all come bck again. Things still run normally without any errors, however, my column rules get wiped off and I have to re-apply them every single time.


Is there something I can do for the column rules to remain? I'm not sure if I'm correct but seems like the issue may be with the directory tool?

I must use it because I need to find the specific file (with dynamic path)


Any help is greatly appreciated,


thank you

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @hal_dal ,


Are there any macros in your workflow? Would you be able to share a screenshot of your workflow and where the problem is happening?



Fernando Vizcaino

8 - Asteroid



I don't have any macros for this particular workflow.

Here is my screenshot





It runs fine right now but as soon as I close the workflow, it seems to have lost of data and therefore the column rules disappear. 

If I'm not mistaken, I believe it's because Im using the directory tool? Is there a way to save the column rules?


Thank you


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @hal_dal ,


I have some workflows using directory tool and none of them have problem like yours. Since there isn't anything clear to me that is causing the problem, I will suggest two things that it seems to work in cases of mine.


Workflows are xml files basically and it can corrupt of present failures depending the way you saved or if when saving, the computer got turned off, so it could have a missing structure in your xml file.


Of course it is a long shot but since no one had any suggestions, I suggest you to delete your directory tools and insert new ones and if the problem keeps happening, I suggest you to copy and paste all tools to a new workflow.


Let me know if this works for you.


Fernando Vizcaino

8 - Asteroid



I have tried to delete and insert a new directory tool but seems like the issue is still present.

I may be doing this wrong, do you mind helping me out with the dynamic input?

What types of files do I need to insert for the Data Input Source template?

I'm not sure if the issue is due to this??


