Hi @Manjari
I dont only words coloring is supported. Its either complete row or complete column based on any condition.
Similar to excel conditional formatting.
I agree with @atcodedog05 , we can do something also for the whole row but not part of the data.
@Manjari What words should be highlighted? Here's an example where I'm highlighting every teams and book word in red. The table tool uses code that is/resembles html so you can use a formula tool to change it. I'm just using a span statement and then applying the color via a style variable:
If tools arent enough to get the required output.
Break into code 😂 seen a lot of pros do it
Amazing workaround @patrick_digan 🙂
Thank you for this great learning 😀
Thank you @patrick_digan
I want to change all the values in the column [New keywords] to color red,
I tried using this formula does not seem to work. requesting help
if [New keywords] = "0" then Null() else ('<span style="color:#ff0000;">[New keywords]</span>') endif
Hey @patrick_digan
Is there a reason why the Layout Tool stops processing the table information after selecting it? The workflow works perfectly when first downloaded like below:
But the moment I select the Layout Tool, or add my own, it stops working and doesn't build the table.
@Manjari you would have to put that text after the table tool. instead, I add the word Replace before and after the words that need changed in your formula (11) tool:
Then I can use regex after the table tool to add the red and delete the REPLACEs:
regex_replace([Table],"REPLACE(.*?)REPLACE",'<span style="color:#ff0000;">$1</span>')
Hopefully that gets you closer, and you can tweak to match what you need.
@Maskell_Rascal the layout tool is figuring out that we've monkeyed around with the data 🙂 I'm just using the layout tool to convert our text back to a reporting element. I should have done the same thing with the render tool and then it wouldn't have broken when you clicked on it.
To build this, I connected the table tool to the layout tool and set it up. Then at the end, I connected my formula tool to the layout tool. So long as you don't click on the layout tool, it will work. In the future, I should have just gone from the table to the render, set it up, and then connected my formula to the render. That would still work when click on it.
As a workaround, I have this macro I built today which I haven't tested on other data...BUT you should be able to feed the modified data through it and then alteryx will think it's a valid field reporting element again.
Before (it's just a string field because I changed it in the formula tool):
After (it's back to a reporting element like normal):
My macro is just using the report text field in expert mode to convert the string back to a reporting element.
And sorry for the long post, but the metadata "source" column needs to start with Report: for the reporting tools (like layout and render) to recognize the data as a reporting element. Here's the metadata after my macro which shows Report:text in the source column for the field we've converted:
@patrick_digan Brilliant! I'm fairly new to using the reporting tools, so appreciate the additional information.