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Checkbox to filter results

7 - Meteor

I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out how to get this to work.  I have data that comes in from a query.  By default, it has all the data I need and I am trying to design an app to allow the user to select a check box to filter the results they see.  There two fields/columns that have Boolean values, NF and TR.  I want a check box to represent each of those fields.  If a user selects 'Show NF' then I want it to show for them, otherwise hide it from the results.  Likewise, if the user selects 'Show TR' then I want to show them those rows.  If neither are selected, I do not want to show when either NF or TR fields are true.  Inversely, when both fields are selected, I want the user to see them. To me the logic seems simple enough, but I just can't figure out how to make it work in Alteryx.  


I have attached an example of the data and my fleeting attempt to solve the problem.  


17 - Castor

Hi @RSchomer 


Try using detour tools. This will allow you to apply your desired filtering logic. 





16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Something like this should work?


(I think in your example your "both checked" scenario is wrong as all say "show" when it should only be "show" when NF=True and TR=True... but easy  to modify)

7 - Meteor

I think you're right about my mock up.  Guess I got confused.  


BTW both solutions will work for me.  Thank you both.  Heck, I wasn't even aware of the detour tools.  This opens up a whole new world for me.  
