Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Changing the Y-Axis Ordering

5 - Atom



I have the current data set; I am curious as to how I make it so that the Y-axis is properly ordered and that the bars correspond to the correct Y-axis amount in increasing order. It seems like it is simply associating each bar with its strict excel value; I have tried fixing this with both strings and doubles...

17 - Castor

Are you able to attach your workflow so we can take a further look @xbabykangaroox? At a glance, it looks like the issue is that the data is being sorted by date, rather than applying an ascending sort to the $ values (when converted to a number).

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @xbabykangaroox,

I  you will need to change your sales data to a numeric type using a formula tool. If they are a string the chart will assume they are categories not a sliding scale


You could also try looking at the axis range above. Do you have some example data to look at?
