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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Changing Colorscale in Interactive Chart with transformations

5 - Atom

Designer version: 2020.2


I have built an interactive line chart with 13 groups.  The default color palette only has 10 colors so 3 are repeated.  This is going to be printed so it I cannot rely on the ability to click on the chart.  Under the layers menu, by Type, there is an option to choose a new palette, but it does not work for me.  Actually, nothing on the by type menu works for me.  I cannot change these individually since this is an automated report and each time, the groups will be different.  Is there a dynamic way to change the colors?

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @felicem 


There is a defect in the interactive chart with interaction between using split and changing the color scales   Alteryx has logged it as  "DE26218 - Interactive chart coloring problem when using Split".  see this thread for more details


There's an ugly, non-dynamic workaround that involves crosstabbing(bottom branch, below) your data and the building each series individually in the Interactive chart tool.  Once you do this you can set the colour scale on the entire set of series, or set them individually.  I used Alphabet in the example.









5 - Atom

Thanks.  I appreciate the information and work around.


