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Change name of xlsx to date AND use multiple tabs

7 - Meteor

tl;dr I can write to multiple tabs and I can assign today's date to output file. Can I do both for the same file so that I end up with 1 file called "Output 2019-11-3.xlsx" with three tabs?


First, I am writing an xlsx file with three tabs. I've successfully used the formula command to add a column called "Sheet Name", checked the "Take File/Name From field" button, selected the Change File Name dropdown, and then used the Block until done tool to write to multiple sheets. This works for as many sheets as I want to add.




The client is requesting the file also have the date stamp in the name, which I've ALSO done by using a formula tool to add a "sheet name" formula of "Outfile "+DateTimeFormat(datetimetoday(),"%Y_%m_%d"). This generates a file named "Outfile 2019-11-3.xlsx. Then I use the the following



I have tried adding a "Block until done" tool at the end of this, but it just generates two files, one with three tabs and one with the date in the name of the field.

Does anyone know if I can create one file with three tabs and the date in the suffix of the name?

I hope this is clear.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @m1ngle74 you need to combine the Filename and sheet name into one column and then use that column in your output. I mocked up and example and attached.

7 - Meteor

Thank you, Joseph. This gave me the blueprint I needed. Much appreciated.
