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Chained aaps workflow

8 - Asteroid

Dear members ,


I have this requirement from chained aaps . 


I just went through the :


and built two chained aap . AAP1 and AAP2


AAP1 will call AAP2 .


But i do not want AAP1 to download the data from database and start calling AAP2 . 


Is there any way to do it without downloading the data , AAP1 to display dynamically values from AAP2.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @praneshsapmm 


I'm a little confused by your description. Please check my understanding and maybe we can sort this out.


- The chained sequence you built will run AAP1 and then (on success) run AAP2, yes? 

- You don't want AAP1 to start AAP2, so what about reversing the order?

- You want AAP1 to display values from AAP2? Again, that suggests to run AAP2 first, then use those values to display in AAP1?


Overall it seems like you want to run AAP2 first, then (on success) run AAP1. Would it be possible to share these apps? That's typically the best way to get the Community involved. 

8 - Asteroid

Hi @CharlieS  ,


My apologies for bad description . 


AAP1 downloads a lot of data and then calls AAP2 . 




This take a lot of time and then AAP2 list box appears . I assume there is a lot of data that is pulled , my question how can we make it faster , so i can quickly select AAP2 as well.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Thanks for that clarification!


- Does the AAP2 selection vary based on the AAP1 results? That's a common chained app use case, but if it's not necessary to pass values then maybe some other orchestration method could be used (like CReW runners). 

- Have you run AAP1 on its own to see how fast it runs? Edit AAP1 in Designer and enable Performance Profiling in the Runtime settings. Run the workflow and you will have runtime data to the results window that shows what tools take the longest to run. You can use this information to address the trouble spots that are slowing down the app. If you can post the information, perhaps the Community could help with that too. 

8 - Asteroid

Hi @CharlieS ,


Yes true AAP2 selection is based on AAP1. 


there is a lot of data that AAP1 is pulling before calling AAP2 . 


I need to see how to make it faster .



8 - Asteroid

Hi @CharlieS  ,


Just one more question : 



When i select multiple values , AAP1 fails to call AAP2 . Is there any specific setup to accomplish this.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@praneshsapmm wrote:

When i select multiple values , AAP1 fails to call AAP2 . Is there any specific setup to accomplish this.

That depends on the intended function of the app. Should the user be able to select multiple values?

If so, take a look at your actions/workflow to make sure those values are being handled appropriately.

If not, then maybe a List Box isn't the best way for the user to make their selection. I'd recommend changing this to a Drop Down interface so only one can be selected. 
