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Cant get SharePoint connector to work on Server (updating/inserting to a List)

8 - Asteroid

I have a workflow, which is pretty simple - if new items are to be added to a SharePoint list, it adds them, if items are updated, a separate connector does an update.  This all works on my machine (After 3 days of hair pulling to make the 2.4.1 connector work!) but now it wont run on the server.  One thing I noticed on Friday was the fields in the SharePoint list appear to be changed when running on the server, they have an _01 added, so I used Dynamic rename to remove that but now I have another error:


The 2 SharePoint output tools are returning 

Error - ToolId 141: data type 'np.float64' not understood

Error - ToolId 129: 'NoneType' object is not callable


The 2 SharePoint connectors are each within a Control Container as I found calling them with no records, i.e. there was nothing to update or insert, caused them to just hang on my machine, so I used the new Control Container so they are only called if there is something to insert/update. This is now officially driving me nuts! I set out to do this task on Friday afternoon as it was only a couple of hours work and now on Tuesday its still not working, all the logic etc is fine, its just these SharePoint connectors - can anybody offer some help?


