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Cannot change existing dataset in PowerBI

7 - Meteor



I'm trying to overwrite /append a dataset in PowerBI with the PowerBI Output Tool (v3.4.0).

When I'm trying to do so,I get the following error.

Alteryx - PowerBI Error.png 








Personally, I think this happens because it is not possible to do the table mapping, see below. Has anyone any idea how to fix this.


Alteryx - PowerBI Error 2.png



15 - Aurora
7 - Meteor

I have seen the document, the problem is that in step 5 you need to map the table from the incoming connection to the table from the PowerBI dataset. In the configuration window it is not possible to select the table (is says no records).


For now I "hardcoded" the table name in the XML of the yxmd file. This is working, but not really how it is supposed to work.
