Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Can you output a XML file in Alteryx?

8 - Asteroid

I need to know if Alteryx supports XML outputs.
Thank you.

19 - Altair

Not out of the box. There are some ways around this - and there's a "write to an xml file" macro probably lurking around the Gallery which I couldn't get to work. If you can't get the macro to work this usually requires some time/investment (although feel free to try a Python/R solution).


What's the goal of your final product (ie where is it being ingested?) - most systems which say they are using xml are actually using an xmlns which makes it a bit more complicated and specific.


19 - Altair

@ArtApa- you were trying to link to the old Gallery XML macro - right? I don't think it was uploaded onto the new Community Gallery yet. I wasn't wildly thrilled with that one (it didn't flag XML special characters for example).

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@BautistaC888 I saved the XML macro and changed it to a regular workflow for ease of use, and have attached it below.

@apathetichell I found that this workflow is pretty good for easy reports that you need to convert to XML. I did run into special character issues in the past but i'd just make the modifications along the way to the text inputs to recognize the special characters
