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CSV file with comma delimiter with double quotes

7 - Meteor

Hello team - I have a comma delimited file that is separated by comma. But when I do either "Text to Columns" or put delimited in "Input Data" with comma it is separating the words that has comma but should not be separated. It has double quote around it to make sure that excel does not separate it when opened but I am wondering if Alteryx can do that same by ignoring the comma in between double quote. For example, alteryx is keep separating the "EURONAV NV" and "ANTWERPEN USD PAR ORDINARY" when they should be "EURONAV NV, ANTWERPEN USD PAR ORDINARY". I want double quote to be removed ultimately as well. Please help! 


"2","1","01/08/2020","cool","ha","lo","0","B38564108","BE0003816338","B04RBX6","","EURONAV NV, ANTWERPEN USD PAR ORDINARY","B",12.910000,75,968.25,968.25,,,,,,"0551","8602","P","RO"," "," ","EURN "

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Yes the Input tool should cope with this.


In the options make sure "Ignore Delimiters in" has Quotes shown (should be the default).


It should then import as you expect.

7 - Meteor

Hey Sir - 


I tried doing that and I am getting this error. 


Can you please advise? 

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