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CLOB and NCLOB data format in importing data into Oracle database

8 - Asteroid

Hi every one,

I use output data to import data into Oracle database directly. But after that, when I check the file format using sql developer, instead of varchar2 I saw CLOB and NCLOB and it doesn't work for me.

How can I fix it?

16 - Nebula

Hi @Saraabdi955 


If i understood correctly, you used the output tool with the output option overwrite table/create new table to create the table inside Oracle db, right? And this table creation automatically assigned some column datatypes for CLOB/NCLOB? 


If this is the case, the best way to proceed here is that you create the table inside the db using scripts (or ask the database admin to do it), so the datatypes can be manually and correctly assign. After that, you can feed the table using the Append Existing/Delete Data & Append/Update output options, depending on what is the best way for your specific case (the database admin can help you to figure this out).






6 - Meteoroid

@Felipe_Ribeir0 - But by this way we will have the static table in the destination, say if a new field is added/deleted the schema for destination table will not be modified?? Any thoughts? 

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