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Building data source for data quality dashboard

6 - Meteoroid



I have been working on an Alteryx workflow to build a data source that will feed into a new data quality dashboard on Tableau.
There are around 45 business rules, which I have set up individually using the same data extract multiple times, each rule in different filters containing the formulae, adding new columns:

  • Check: checking if condition is true, 0 or 1
  • Field Name: will give the name of the column that is being checked 

These rules are not only checking for nulls but also for a list of valid values based on conditions in other fields. Don't think this is the best way to do it, so please let me know if you have a better way. Currently using the Union tool after each rule, which is another issue as this is replicating the rows being checked.

I am stuck and need advice on how I could improve this workflow in a way that enables an efficient monthly refresh, hoping for a way to do this by replacing the input file once instead of having to replace it for each rule. Not sure if the Multi-Row Formula tool would help in this case, or a macro? Open to suggestions.

I have attached a few of the rules, a sample of the data extract used as input, and a sample workflow. 


Any help is appreciated.
