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Build Array in Designer and Pass to Download Tool

5 - Atom



I am experiencing an issue when using the Download tool to post information. For my specific use case, I need to pass an array to the API, but the API is reading it as a string and not accepting my call. For reference, my json is in the following format: '{
"type": "Entity To Individual",
"parentId":"'+[parentId] +'",
"ownershipPercentage": "100.00"
"relationRoleType": [

The relationRoleType field is where the issue is as when i select is as an option in the payload tab and attempt to run it, i get a 400 error stating the relationroletype is an invalid field and needs to be an array. I have also attempted the 'Take query string/body from field' and 'Use following for query string/body' options but those options dont work either. My theory is that because the field type is a string and there is no array or list data type in alteryx that the download tool reads it in as a string, passes it to the API as a string, and then i get the error. 


Are there any solutions that anyone is aware of to pass an array to the download tool? 




@BJACKSON it looks like you may be missing a comma in the body string after "ownershipPercentage": "100.00".

6 - Meteoroid

I'm looking for a solution to this issue as well.  Did you find a solution?
