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Bug causing leading zeroes in FixedDecimal after summarise

5 - Atom

Hi there, I have come across what I believe to be a bug with the summarise tool where if the result of the sum is shorter in length than the maximum length in the input, there will be leading zeroes on the result.


I have attached a simple example below where we sum 1000001.00 and -1000000, where we get a result of 0000001.00. This is all with FixedDecimal 19.2 but I have replicated on other sizes.


The issue I found with this is that if we then try to join the 0000001.00 onto a 1.00, it fails to join.




I have found a workaround where you add a cleanse tool with Replace with 0 (Numeric fields), or simply multiply the result by 1 and it returns 1.00. This means for every summarise tool I would need to add this extra tool.


I believe this is a bug as when you do the same calculation in a formula tool, you get 1.00 as expected


I changed to FixedDecimal across my large workflow as I am joining a lot of numbers together and I didn't want to risk the joining of doubles.


I hope this gets fixed soon as it seems like something rather important.




5 - Atom

Added larger photo to show data


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

The question would be why are you forcing it to be Fixed Decimal? It works fine for the original Int32 and also works well for Double.

5 - Atom

This was just for a test scenario, in reality the actual data does have decimal points. We decided to use FixedDecimal to ensure we didn't come into rounding errors due to doubles when joining/grouping in a summarise. I realise that I could change to double as that scenario is quite rare, but this does still seem to be an issue worth raising

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

It is interesting and something to report, but as a fix you may use a ROUND function to help with the Double joining issue :)

7 - Meteor

I'm having the same issue. I use fixed decimal a lot and I'm wondering if I should continue to do so or if there are another known issues.


I did a Test and I used formula tool to multiply by 1 and it solved the issue

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Curious - why not use Double? You can change it to FD towards the end at the output stage. Or do you want to group the numeric values for some purpose?

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
7 - Meteor

@caltang I have two inputs one of them with several postings and another with totals. I want to check if the sum of my postings are equal to Totals table. To do so I'm joining both of them by my text criteria first and the values it selves. If there are anything in the left anchor an error will be displayed.


However, for some none of the the other numeric string join every fields, only fixed decimal even if they are exactly the same. For some numeric strings, sum with summary tool returns several decimal numbers despite all my input numbers have a maximum of 2 decimals. 


Maybe not the best approach if you any suggestion I would like to hear it. 


