Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Box Input Tool Dynamic Input

5 - Atom

Hi Everyone, I'm new to the Box Input Tool. I'm was able to successfully connecting to Box and pull selected data from my folders. However, I would like to automate this process - have a daily run of Alteryx that pulls the latest file from a Box link, is that possible? Thank you all for the help!

19 - Altair

Maybe - how are you authenticating to Box? Do you have your own Box app? You might have to do some magic truncating your URL into box account (which would need to be authenticated via JWT or something) and file name which would be read in from Box...


Or maybe something like this?

14 - Magnetar

I have never used the Box tools, but if they are similar to the Sharepoint ones, I created a macro once to read files dynamically from it. I first listed the files, selected the ones I wanted and then passed the information to the batch macro that contained a Sharepoint input within it.
