Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Best practices for a multi-process workflow

8 - Asteroid

I have a workflow that uses an iterative macro in order to go through multiple pages an API response and uses the output from the macro to do verifications.  Eventually I will need to use this process with multiple APIs within the same workflow.  I just wanted to know what are best practices for doing something like this.  I will basically have different APIs, going through the same processes and using the same macro, but all in the same workflow.  So, should I only let one process happen at one time?  Things like that are what I would like feedback on.

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

@iwilliams ,


Slow and steady!  The download tool now includes a throttle (version 2021.1).  I don't however like the iterative macro approach.  I prefer to do something like:  Calculate the pages and use the generate rows tool to create one request per page.  Don't run them in order, randomize the data.  You don't want to blast or act like a robot.  If at all possible, use a VPN and move some work amongst the IP addresses.


Store your responses and after you've created them, you can summarize them as needed.  Avoid the same requestssd

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11 - Bolide

if you need to just repeat your iterative macro, could you just wrap a batch macro around that? and have it key off of whatever you're looping through and repeat your iterative macro?
