Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Batch macro based on multiple fields

I want to create a batch macro which groups by more than 1 field. It would take as input a data, control parameter like following and give output as given respectively. In the configuration window there is option to group by one field, but I want to do it on multiple fields which are category and odd/even.

Screenshot 2024-03-22 212408.jpg

Can it be done in batch macros directly?
I know that it can be done by concatenating fields but that is a work around, besides that it can obviously be done with the help of joins without using batch macros, but can it be done in batch macros.

I have tried playing around a bit with the XML code but that didn't seem to help.



Sure you can. Just add additional control parameters in your batch macro to account for each of the fields you want to pass to it.

I use a filter in the actual macro to split up the data in to the appropriate chunks, so no need for the group by, just setup the new questions.

