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Batch Macro

8 - Asteroid



I'm trying to run a report to using a batch macro due to alot of data processing, my intention is to group a number of rows based on the same reporting period. For each of those reporting periods i want the batch macro to run and  group each reporting period produce a separate output file, for the example below, i would expect 7 files from this 1 input -  I've never attempted something like this,  is anyone able provide some guidedance on how i could achieve this?




WhereAgePeriodValue 1Category
In1701 20074432701
Out1701 20074489602
In1601 20084432702
In1601 20084535202
In1501 20094432701
In1501 20094490802
In1501 20094513801
Out1501 20094531301
In1401 20104432701
In1401 20104519502
In1301 20114432702
Out1301 20114534501
In1201 20124432701
In1201 20124510302
In1001 20144432701
In1001 20144432701
In1001 20144432702
In1001 20144476201
Out1001 20144531601
Out1001 20144531601
12 - Quasar



See attached. Hope that gets you started down the right path. :)

8 - Asteroid

this is an excellence solution, actuall really simple idea but i think i need a batch macro because i need the alteryx flow to run separately for each reporting period, the actual data is written to xml source code - the period field isnt carried through the entire flow. 

12 - Quasar

@berty no worries. Sounds like you may have some additional processing that you need to perform prior to producing the reports.


If that's the case, you can open the batch macro that is included in the workflow and start inserting any number of tools between Formula (9) and Output (10). The syntax in Formula (9) will enable you to output the requisite number of files you need, and will save them to the directory where the workflow is saved. :)

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