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Batch Import Macro - Excel sheet with cell ranges

5 - Atom



I am trying to import several data tables that are located on different sheets and in different locations. Each table is slightly different and needs to be manipulated in a separate workflow differently before being joined.

I am trying to use a batch import macro to input the data based on a formula from a text input. However, only the default input table within the macro is being imported.


The macro attempts to take the input in the format "C:\\...\Documents\BatchImportData.xlsx"+[SheetName]+"|||$"+[CellRange] to update the file - value dependant on which table is required for the workflow. I have attached a simplified version of the workflow, macro and data template. 


Please let me know if there is a simpler alternative or how to correctly input the updated value in the macro.


Many thanks,



12 - Quasar

You're very close. I finished off the outputs from the macro. It is likely how you were trying to read in the information. I just used a directory tool. See attached package.





13 - Pulsar

Your action tool is trying to update the wrong item. Highlight the File -Value instead of the @outputfilename


12 - Quasar

@SPetrie actually, if you look at the other macro, the batchimportdata macro is configured correctly. The workflow I added included the data coming in. Since we can't see how that is connected for @tmrwall , I'm assuming that was at least a portion of the issue. Also, there were no outputs on the macro.

5 - Atom

Ah, I knew it was going to be something simple. Thank you!

5 - Atom

Sorry, this was me trying to focus on the area that was causing the issue. I have tested each of the "Workflow" containers but as @SPetrie pointed out I was not updating the correct parameter and so it was retaining the default input. Thanks for your help!

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