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BOM Highes Level Item Extraction Macro

8 - Asteroid


I have BOM table with Parent Item # & Component Item # columns.

I would like to add 'Finished Item #' column - the highest level for each component. 

(I have highlighted finished items with different colors to distinguish them)




Optionally, it would be nice to have 'Relative Component Level #' column.


Any ideas how to approach this? 

I don't have much experience with iterative macros and it seems that it is needed here.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @Krzysztof_Hyla_1986.


I think this macro should get you most of the way there: Hierarchy generation macro. I tried it out with your data (after changing the type to string) and here's the result:


Screen Shot 2023-02-01 at 5.04.09 PM.png

Hopefully you can parse from here into your desired format!



8 - Asteroid

Hi Megan,


maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way, but I think it doesn't give me what I need.

I don't need parent item, because I already have it. 


I need highest level in hierarchy for each component item (column C).

This would be a column with 3 values: 62368, 90362 and 84974 (column E in my Excel sample file)

Is this achievable?
