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Assignments based on Priority Tier

7 - Meteor

Hi Alteryx Community,


I am looking for some help with the following case. I believe an iterative macro can do the job but unfortunately I haven´t been able to create a workflow that works.


I have 2 inputs.
1- A list with the names of reps that I need to assign some locations.
2- A list of locations already assigned to Reps.


I need to set a limit of locations to be assigned. In this case, for demonstration, I set as 50.

However, the nuance here is that I need to take into account its Priority-Tier. Meaning, I need to look at the tier 1 first and do the assignment. If there are enough locations (50) assigned to the rep on tier 1, perfect. If not, I need to go to tier 2 and assign more locations until it reaches the 50 benchmark; and so on and so forth.


Please, find attached the inputs for demonstration and let me know if I you need more info.



Thank you so much!!

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @gcosta,


I did a sample workflow around your question. The logic is to use a tile tool to rank the locations going from 1 to n (depending on how many you have). Then you do a join and filter on numbers superior to 50. The only drawback I see is in your example I do have 53 locations remaining which are not affected, you can see those after the filter

7 - Meteor

Hi @Ladarthure,


Wow. Thank you so much. Such a simple solution. I was blocked trying to create an iterative macro and I couldn´t see anything else.

Regarding the drawback- actually this is not a problem is the intend of this case. Once the "50" mark is reached I don´t want any other location to move forward on the workflow.


I appreciate your help.

Many thanks!!
