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Applying "Blank" Filter and Multiple Condition



Do we have an alternative formula to the attached workflow?



1.) If column A contains a keyword then Code column is tagged as "9a"

2.) Next step is, filter that Code column = blank first, then check column B which contains another keyword then tag Code column = "9a"

so on an so forth for the other codes.


Just need to make sure that the Code column must be blank or empty before applying the next logic.

That is why I have that as my workflow, it makes sure that the next logic looks at the False items which are Code = Blank.


I hope I make sense, thanks.

21 - Polaris

@karizze_fitzgeraldine Can you provide a sample file input file with the expected output result?

11 - Bolide

Is there a reason you must perform the column A & column B checks separately since the result Code column will have the same value?  I believe you could cut the number of checks in half by simply changing the expression to check for Column A contains keyword OR Column B contains keyword.

Alternatively, you can use the Find Replace tool to perform the keyword lookup and append the associate code value.  In the below example, I have 2 Find Replace tools since you have 2 fields to search (Column A & Column B).  If the Code field is null after searching Column A then the row is filtered to try again on Column B (with the empty code field removed by the Select tool).  Finally, the results from the Column A search & the Column B search are combined.




Thanks! Find and Replace is indeed the way to go! Got resolved through this.

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