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Application paths

7 - Meteor

Hello All, 


new to the analytics app creation here, but i am trying to make an app that supports different workflow paths depends on user selection, as in example, first selections will be a check box of A,B,C if user selects A, there is a text box, if B there will be a data filter and so on) 


Is there anyway i can connect those interface choices together? thanks TIA

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @AbdullahMansour90 


The interface that you see with an app is static aside from the ability to hide some controls based on check boxes.  It's also built before the workflow runs so the field lists that show up in the interface tools are from the last run in Designer as opposed to the current set of fields from user selected excel files, etc.  


You can use the control hiding functionality, to have different different controls show up when you check different boxes.  the attached sample has a date controls and a text box that are both used to filter the input.  The date and text box controls are nested inside the corresponding check box control so they only show when when the box is checked. 



To have the application use the values, you have to code the functionality into the app itself.  In the sample, the Date tool is connected to the filter on the Lightning bolt.  This method uses an action control and the action modifies the filter condition before the app is run.  It replaces the existing 2021-12-31 date wiht the user selected one 



The Text box is connected using the Q anchor.  In this case, the value in the text box has to be dealt with in the formula itself.  



[#1] is the column name of the value passed in from the Text Box.  If the value passed in is empty, the return "true" to pass all the rows, otherwise pass the value that matches what the user typed in


You can also get more complex with the check boxes changing the flow of the workflow using detour tools.  Check out the Creating Analytic Applications videos for more details




