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Appending Weekly Data from workflow to Power BI

5 - Atom


I am fairly new to Alteryx and am hoping someone may know the solution.


I have a workflow established that I run in Alteryx every Tuesday but now I want to append this data in a report in Power BI(to add weekly data).  I have the Power BI connector and it is working but have not seem to figure this one out yet.  I have just been manually putting a pivot together that summarizes Year, Month, Week, and 4 columns for totals for what I am reporting out.

The workflow summarizes totals by Year, Month, and Week.  Current week, as of today, is the 29th week of this year so essentially would LOVE to run this report next week on Tuesday where Week 30 numbers are in Power BI (where it automatically adds week 30) just by running my workflow in Alteryx and using Power BI Connector if that makes sense.  Any help would be appreciated! Attached my current process with fake data.

12 - Quasar

@Rebs23 , where is the Power BI data currently being stored? If it is stored in an Excel file, you would bring the existing data in and union in the new data and output all data to Excel. If it's stored in SQL Server, you would update the SQL Server data using an output with append for the new data. It really depends where you have your data stored. This looks like an Excel image, but it isn't clear if it is being extracted from Power BI or the data Power BI is reading. If you can share a little more, we might be able to help.

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