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Append not generating data correctly

7 - Meteor

Hi Experts


Any idea why append is not generating source for all the target column data?


I can see the Code listed in the select but after append i am not seeing this code any help?







17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Suresh  I can't see from your screenshot exactly what you're seeing from the append tool that you're not expecting. Can you please explain a little more.

7 - Meteor

Hi David, append is not generating source data for all the target columns data like the activity code we have around 17 unique items but it did not generate for last few items and another column has risk codes which has many items but it did not generate for all the unique items listed in the risk code columns..

Example the screenshot which i have attached has the activity code A23.03.01 is listed in the Target but after appending using the entity names. we are not seeing this activity code for any of the entity names appended and similarly risk codes ending many risk codes.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Maybe it is a stupid question😁, but we do select "Allow All Appends" in the Append Tool Configuration?

And do we have any error/warning message for this particular tool?

7 - Meteor

No error message and all fields are selected we can see in the below screenshot still I am not seeing one of the activity code a23.03.01 which is missing after append function.




with the details of allow all appends screenshot selected 




21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I am sorry but I find it difficult to locate the issue here.
Is it possible you can replicate the issue with non-confidential data? so we can take a closer look. 😁

7 - Meteor

Thank you for your time.. Yeah I tried to take this step in the beginning of the use case only where data is less and which is working fine..
