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App with multiple different flows

8 - Asteroid



I would like to create an app with multiple workflows. In the beginning, the user should choose which workflow he or she is interested in. The app layout should change accordingly. Input files are going to be different, so all calculations, joins, etc. are going to be different for each workflow. Also, the number of loaded files is going to be different for each workflow. At some point, all workflows will produce this same output, so workflows should connect. Output will be appendind data to sql table. How can I approach this? If anything is unclear please let me know. The attached workflow and PrintScreen is just an example. The original workflow will be much more complicated and will have around 15 different workflows





22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Andrzej ,


Your solution would using radio button/checkbox containers. Here is an example.


Hope this helps 🙂

16 - Nebula

Hi @Andrzej,


By the sound of it, you should place each workflow branch (1,2,3 and 4) in a separate container and then use radio buttons to disable the unselected containers. So each workflow will have its own radio button which when selected will allow that particular workflow to run and disable the rest. 


You can find many examples in the community of how to use radio buttons to disable containers, such as :


Hope that helps 🙂

8 - Asteroid

Hi @AngelosPachis  and @atcodedog05 


Thanks for your help 🙂 I think this solves my problem thanks. I am wondering if I can use one dropdown tool instead of multiple radio buttons? So I would choose the workflow number in the dropdown and it would enable the desired container. It should also change the app layout.   


16 - Nebula

Unfortunately radio buttons are the only option that allows you to disable containers as far as I am aware.


About the app layout, you can make changes through the Interface Designer for each of your radio buttons - it might be a bit tedious to change the layout for each container, but at least you will be sure that it shows what you want it to show!

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Andrzej ,


Sure you can use. Use condition tool after dropdown and connect it to action. Like below



But yes you need to use condition tool for each value to check and pass true

16 - Nebula

@atcodedog05  that's cool, I didn't know that. Would that also allow to tweak the app layout as well for each of condition?

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @AngelosPachis 


No it only has control over the flow. But its pretty handy 🙂

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Happy to help 🙂 @Andrzej 


Cheers and happy analyzing 😀

8 - Asteroid

Hi @atcodedog05 ,


Thanks, in my case I have to stick with radio buttons then. Each container needs to have completely different inputs 
