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Analytic App : Dropdown values from DB

8 - Asteroid



It is possible to pull dropdown tool values from the DB- SQL ? I tried using fields from connected tool and used Input tool to pull required values but did not work and I don't know if any other values from "List values" option can be useful. I tried value-pair from txt file, it worked now I want data directly from SQL


Please let me know.





11 - Bolide

I'd be interested in this as well.


I've found that a DB link doesn't work with Drop Down, List, and similar tools from the Interface toolset for Gallery apps, even if they work on local Designers. To get around this, I've had to:

  1. Create a scheduled workflow that regularly fetches the data I need from my DB table/view, and output it to an Alteryx DB file (.yxdb) in a folder, making sure that it has the NAME and VALUE columns.
  2. The Drop-Down/List Tool in my Gallery app then references that Alteryx DB file as an External Source.


8 - Asteroid

It seems that is the only solution.




12 - Quasar

@Alteryx_user_aK whats the desired endstate? Are you ultimately needing a user to select which values or records they want, do their data manipulation steps, and then reload it back to the DB; or, are you wanting something else?


It is definitely possible to use values from your DB in a List Box or Drop-Down tool without having to create a separate saved instance of the query results.

11 - Bolide

@rzdodson I'd be interested to know how you populate the Drop Down or List tool directly from a database query in a Gallery app.


I have a massive transaction table that will take minutes to load, so I allow my users to select certain items or transaction types to cut down on that loading time and to focus their work.


The selection of items and transaction types are in my database, so I'd like to query them for my Drop-Down/List tool. Then, my workflow will pass the user's selected parameters to a Dynamic Input tool to query the massive transaction table for only those selected items and/or transaction types.

12 - Quasar

@Peachyco @Alteryx_user_aK I used this same solution in the past, but as chained apps so the first workflow didn't have to run until the user specified. Then when it's done populating the external file, it calls the second app to run and gives the user the parameters they can select.
