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An easier to use transpose method (like Excel)

8 - Asteroid

Hello Everyone.


I'm working through the "Getting Started Learning Path".  I'm on exercise 4, which requires the use of the transpose tool.  I've noticed that this only really works with two columns - value and name.  This is making the completion of this exercise quite challenging for me, given that there are 4 rows that I'd like to turn into columns. 


Screenshot 2023-12-21 185019.png


I was able to do this extremely easily by opening the data file into Excel, and using the Transpose() function, and adjusting the headers.  it doesn't seem like this is at possible in Alteryx.  Can anyone help?


Screenshot 2023-12-21 185120.png


I'll post the package and the link (just scroll down to exercise 4).


Getting Started Learning Path - Alteryx Community 

18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

It’s definitely possible as it’s part of the exercise! I think you might be referring to the Crosstab tool that only has name and value options.

To solve this, I would look at the Transpose tool then the Crosstab after. I am away from my computer this evening but see if that helps. 

13 - Pulsar

See if this helps...

8 - Asteroid

Thank you for the replies.  I don't know if it's the Crosstab tool, given my understanding of that tool is that it takes columns and makes rows; whereas the Transpose does the rows to columns.  I'm just learning these tools, so don't hold it against me.  Maybe the workflow will require both.  I'm hoping that there's an easy way to do this instead of the need to create a cumbersome workflow.


I came across the following - apparently, this has been something that's been discussed before:

Solved: Transpose like excel functionality - Alteryx Community

8 - Asteroid

What is this sorcery that you've come up with?!  Looks like that did it, and it just needed two tools.  Now, I need to understand how the Crostab tool works to be able to come up with this solution myself.

18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

Exactly as predicted - thanks @TimN !

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