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Amount Format

5 - Atom

Hi All,


Please find attached a document showing how my current workflow provides the amount formatting. I would like to request two different exports:


  1. One with the amounts formatted as shown in the second column, where thousands are separated by dots and decimals are separated by commas.
  2. Another with the amounts formatted as shown the third column, where thousands are separated by commas and decimals are separated by dots.

Additionally, I would like all negative values to be presented in parentheses instead of using a minus sign.


Can anyone assist me with this?


Thank you in advance for your help.


What my workflow gives me now  2. What I would like to have 3. What I would like to have
Amount  Amount Amount
-486323825  (486.323.825,00) (486,323,825.00)
-57116490  (57.116.490,00) (57,116,490.00)
-6519874  (6.519.874,00) (6,519,874.00)
13039748  13.039.748,00 13,039,748.00
21 - Polaris

@Sjov one way of doing this with the string functions


11 - Bolide

Hi @Sjov, here's how I did this with the formula tool and the "ToString" function. Let me know if you have any follow-up questions. 


ToString allows you to convert a numeric data type to a string data type. Usefully for you it also allows you to change the format. ToString(number field, number of decimal places, thousands separator, decimal separator). Make sure your separators are in quotes.


Have a great day!

Screenshot 2024-12-19 164204.pngScreenshot 2024-12-19 164152.png



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