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Alteryx workflow throwing error - Double fields can only be joined to other double fields.

5 - Atom

Hi Experts,

My alteryx workflow throws this error - "Join (3) Double fields can only be joined to other double fields."

But in the join condition, none of the fields have the data type defined as 'Double'

Not sure why the error is traced otherwise

Can you please advise 




7 - Meteor

Hi Umashankar,


Please check Right & Left join fields should have same data type. In the attached screenshot first 3 fields has same, but check for the remaining fields.


Share the workflow to investigate further. 

19 - Altair

sometimes changing field types in the join field does not prevent these kinds of messages - your right join fields in yellow had their type changed in the join tool - and these were probably double previously in the workflow. throw a select tool on the datastream prior to the join tool and change them to a fixed decimal there.


7 - Meteor

Use a select tool before right and left anchor of join tool, ensure the fields which are used in join tool have same data type. To elaborate further,  ensure data type is double in both select tool.

19 - Altair

@dhrathod- doubles aren't ideal for joins - i'd use your strategy and use fixed decimals instead (19.6)...

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You're not going to fix it by changing the data types within the Join tool, it has to be done before the Join tool. As what @apathetichell said, better to standardize both sides to one data type... and doubles aren't the best. If you can, you can try with FD as suggested, or make a new field and ToString() the keys you have in mind, use that to Join. Then within the Join, get rid of them. That should solve your problem.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
5 - Atom

I ma getting the error too, I dont understand why


Join error.png

5 - Atom

Join error 1.pngJoin error 2.png


please refer to the data sets mentioned in the screenshots and advise how to move  forward

19 - Altair

your join tool says id is a byte not a double. byte is an ultra low memory field type. Both fields should be integers.

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