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Alteryx versions not stacking

5 - Atom

I am having issues where Alteryx workflows are not saving into the stack of past versions. I suspect it is because of autosave but am not sure why. 


My questions:

1) Is there a way to join stacks?

2) Is there a way to identify the last modified date for workflows? I am seeing multiple that say '3 months old' but it is hard to define which is the newest of the versions.

3) I was saving my workflows into my private library but recently started to move items to collections so they can be shared with teammates. Is this the recommended way?

4) If I move something from a private stream into a collection, is it making a copy in the collection? Is it okay to delete it from the private gallery?


Thank you all so much! 


17 - Castor

Hi @jeschroe 


To address your questions:

  1. You can use the 'Replace Workflow' option on a workflow's page in the gallery. I don't believe this retains version history though.
  2. This is a common complaint, I'm not aware of a way to see, maybe if you have access to the mongoDB there's a way to check.
  3. Collection is the most common approach I've seen. The studio concept is going away in future releases.
  4. If you delete the workflow from your private studio, it will be deleted from the collection as well.

As to why your workflows are not saving properly, I suspect you're uploading a new version each time you make changes. If you open the workflow in designer from the gallery (meaning File>Open Workflow>From Gallery), it should save over the existing workflow in the gallery. If you have a copy of the workflow on your computer and you save it to the gallery, it's just going to create a new workflow on the gallery. 
