Alteryx stops responding.
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My system consists of 4gm ram (2 2gb ram of 1066mhz). Is it a possible reason for alteryx to stop working after i click run button?
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The minimum (and high performance) specs are below, you need a minimum of 8GB ideally..
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I want to make sure whether the problem is because of ram. because there are lots of other people in the community who are facing similar issue (not resolved yet) who probably have more memory ram. or it could be chipset which is causing problem to me. i don't want to waste money by buying more ram without knowing probable cause. What if chipset GHz is the issue. Or the problem is something else. These are my system spec.
The whole alteryx installation has been perfect. No hassle there. It only causes to go not responding for even small dataset after i click Run.
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Just by looking at the minimum specs it also looks like your CPU doesn't meet the requirements. The i3 M350 is only a dual core processor and its under the minimum 2.5ghz. The computer in general doesn't seem like its up spec to be able to run Alteryx properly.