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Alteryx certification exam tips

5 - Atom

I am a new Alteryx user and will soon attempt to get certified. Any specific tools or functions that you recommend I practice before my exam? Any other general useful tips would be much appreciated!

11 - Bolide

One thing that surprised me when I took the exam the first time was that it's not just about the tools, you also should know about the canvas, runtime, workflow dependencies, and troubleshooting basic errors like datatype mismatches. Assuming you've done the interactive lessons, Weekly Challenges, and Exam Prep already--

On the day before your exam, pull in a small excel file, populated with data into an Input Data tool and then pull every tool you need to know onto the canvas, take the time to connect them in a way that your workflow will not error. This way you will be able to click on the configuration of each tool as a reference when answering questions.


You can use this same canvas to drag your download files for the hands-on questions as well. 


Also, ahead of time, pull up a separate page for all of your major functions, like DateTime and String. 


Good Luck!



11 - Bolide

There are a lot of resources available on Community and in the product to help you prepare for the exam. Here is a sequence that could be beneficial when preparing for the exam. 1. Getting Started Learning Path 2. Weekly Challenges (I would attempt at least 5 of the challenges. Focus on the beginner level challenges at first, but it would be beneficial to attempt a few of the intermediate challenges as well before you take the exam. Be sure to check out the solutions posted by other users for additional insights.) 3. The Core Certification Prep Guide and Practice Exam (There is a .pdf and interactive version of the prep guide available.) 4. Core Certification Prep Videos (There is a series of four videos on the exam. The first three are mostly instructional videos on the content of the exam. The last one goes over the exam structure, interface, test tips, etc.) 5. Take the exam. There is no penalty if you fail the exam the first time you take it, and when you are done you will receive an email with your score broken down by category. Use that feedback to focus your preparations on your weaker points, and after seven days try again. Once you have put in a good amount of time preparing for the exam, the best preparation is simply to take it. There are other great resources that can be beneficial as well. - Discussion board posts and knowledge base articles in Community - Alteryx help documentation - One tool examples and sample workflows in Designer

5 - Atom

@Stella @HammadThank you so much for you advice! I successfully passed and got my Core certification!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor


Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
16 - Nebula

Congratulation! Keep learning.
