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Alteryx cant read CSV due to quotations

8 - Asteroid

Hello, I have a CSV file that every value is separated by quotes but alteryx is reading the file weird and recognizing it all as one field. See the snippet attached. 


i cannot provide sample data.


thank you very much in advance!

11 - Bolide

CSV file data comes in one column only,

you have use regex expression to separate the data


try this regex formula REGEX_Replace([Field_1], "\s{2,}","|")

it will add | for every 2 spaces and you can use text to columns

8 - Asteroid

I tried your solution but got this error:

13 - Pulsar

Your example image doesn't seem to have a delimiter specified.

If the data is split by quotes, set that as your delimiter and it should split it for you.


8 - Asteroid

Hello, thank you for your suggestion. I did try that as my very first solution but alteryx gives me an error that states that it cannot use a quote as a field delimiter. See attachment. 

13 - Pulsar

Sorry, forgot a bit. Scroll down in the file input and change the ignore delimiters in quotes to be single quotes or auto and give that a shot. 


8 - Asteroid

Okay, not exactly perfect but that worked good enough! It popped out extra blank columns (see snip) but I can just use the select tool to remove those from my output file.



8 - Asteroid

Actually it didnt work out. It's not separating all the data correctly and I'm ending up with values in the wrong columns... for example I'm getting $$ in my Invoice Date field. See attachment

13 - Pulsar

We must be missing something here. I know you said you cant provide sample data, but can you upload a sample file with just the headers? A screenshot of the first few lines of data from notepad or notepad++ or a mock file with a few lines of fake data?

As a check, if you import the file using \0 to use no delimiter, indicate that the first row contains data, and a formula tool to count the number of quotes REGEX_CountMatches([header],'"') does every line have the same number of quotes or are there extras in some lines?

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