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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Alteryx Version Update

6 - Meteoroid



When I open a workflow I've recently worked on, this message keeps popping up;


Screenshot 2019-09-24 at 11.34.05.png


Has anyone had this issue before? Alteryx is up to date and the workflows open fine.



ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

This is quite a common issue in that the workflow is a newer version than designer. If you need open the workflow in a text editor and adjust the top line where it says the version (set it to what version your designer is), then it should work. There is some risk with this as their is always the chance that there are tools that are a newer version in the workflow and hence will break as well. Worth a try 😉 



Joshua Burkhow - Alteryx Ace | Global Alteryx Architect @PwC | Blogger @ AlterTricks
19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @James1 


While your version of Alteryx may be up to date, there is a newer one available.  


Here's what my version reports as the current, 2019.2



and when I check for updates i get




On the Alteryx download site(click on Alteryx Downloads in the Help menu), you can see that the most recent version is 2019.3.2.15763




So while my 2019.2 version is update date in terms of minor versions, there is a newer version available.


This seems to to be a new issue, since previous versions used to report true if any update was available, major or minor



6 - Meteoroid

that worked, thanks a mill!
