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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Alteryx Sandbox error: Both left and right inputs must have connections

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I need your assistance on this.


Workflow is running fine in Alteryx desktop and output is getting saved as well.


But in Alteryx Sandbox server, it throws an error in join tool as "Both left and right inputs must have connections". I could see input data passed through join tool.


Is there any work around for this?

8 - Asteroid

You mentioned that you see input data passed through the join tool, but that could have been from a prior run.

Perhaps something changed in a tool prior to the join.

If you click on the wires into the join tool, do you see the Fields data you expect in the configuration pane? 




8 - Asteroid

Yes I could see the fields in both L & R inputs.

8 - Asteroid

Try removing and reconnecting the wires into the L&R inputs. That message seems to be related to disconnect/metadata issues. 


