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Allocate Append for Census Block Level estimates

7 - Meteor

In order to get 2017 Census Block level estimates for basic variables, Population, HHs and HUs, I input a shape file for 2010 CBs and then the Allocate Append tool, identifying the CB spatial objects as "custom geographies".  I selected the Experian US 2017A (Q3 2017 Release)(v 8.6) table.  Just looking for clarification - Would this produce the best estimate of CB level data? 

Sandy Charneski

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

That's the idea!


It sounds like the variables you'll want to append are:

Basic Variables > Current Year Estimates A (2017) > Total Population [CYA01V001], Total Households [CYB02V001] and

Housing Units > Current Year Estimates A (2017) > Total Housing Units [CYB01V001]

7 - Meteor

Thanks - that's exactly what I did.

7 - Meteor

Where do I find the info to properly cite the source of this data?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I think there's a few ways you could communicate the source of the data depending on the audience. I think identifying "Experian Q3 2017 Allocate data" is sufficient for most high-level conversations with colleagues.


Now if the question is "what are the sources that Experian uses to create the Allocate data product?" that requires a more complex response. Experian heavily relies on Census data for this information, but there are many other sources of data that get rolled into the final product. For a more complete answer on that subject, I would contact your Alteryx representative and ask for documentation on your data products.

7 - Meteor

Thank you.

Sandy Charneski
Area Manager - Regulatory Relations
Economic & Competitive Analysis
