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All the field values are not showing up when connecting the SharePoint list with alteryx

8 - Asteroid

Hello All,


I'm trying to connect the share point 2013 list (contains infopath forms) with alteryx using the sharepoint input tool, but for some reason not all the columns values are coming up in alteryx. For example, I've a column name as "Is this a project" which is choice type in sharepoint list and takes values either "yes" or "no" but when I export it in alteryx workflow, the entire column is showing blank.


Could you please suggest any idea on how to fix it?




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @swapsingh2712 - Alteryx generally relies on the view, not the underlying Sharepoint list for values - so I'd start with making sure that the view you're using is working right.

From there- if you still continue to struggle - I'd say it's worth wrapping this up with some screenshots and example and sending it to your local support team, or - the key is to capture enough info of the configuration so that it can be replicated.


here's some guidance for how to provide all the info needed for either the community or any support team to help you debug.


Hope you find a solution soon

