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Ageing between 2 date and time

8 - Asteroid



I am trying to pull the ageing between one date & time to another with below details.


1. if 9:30am to 7pm is the working hours rest we can consider.

2. Anything between 7pm to 9:30am Ageing will become 0:00:00

3.Sunday is non working day, so anything between Saturday 7pm to Monday 9:30am will also be 0:00:00


Sample : 


Created OnClose DateActual AgeingAgeing in total Hours (this is what I want)
01-01-2025 09:3404-01-2025 19:0581:30:5337:55:53
01-01-2025 13:2405-01-2025 18:29101:04:2637:29:20
12 - Quasar

Have you got an attempted method that you've tried? There's a bit of unknown in the below and so it might require a little playing around.


There's a bunch of ways to do this. I would blow the records out to half hours, but most people would only create a row per day. Theory would be to get a table like this:







8 - Asteroid

hi, is it possible to you to create workflow?

5 - Atom

you can use the below formula 


IF DateTimeFormat([Created On], '%A') = "Sunday" OR DateTimeFormat([Close Date], '%A') = "Sunday" THEN 0ELSEIF DateTimeFormat([Created On], '%H:%M:%S') < "09:30:00" THEN TimeDiff([Close Date], AdjustedCreatedOnForWorkingHours, 'hours') ELSE TimeDiff([Close Date], [Created On], 'hours') ENDIF

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I think we can go this way. but there are 2 records are not consistent with the result you provided.
Kindly check and let me where I did wrong.



8 - Asteroid

Hi Qiu,


I am observing that the values being generated are lower than the uploaded data (insert value - 100301, output value 96588) and in most cases, they are negative and also we can see minus sign 2 digit before the end, like this  -10:33:-20


For reference attaching the input and output data

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Take the first row as sample, 

Start is the morning 9:30 and close is the after midnight of the same date, so it will be minus.
Created On Close Date
2025-01-01 09:30:00 2025-01-01 00:00:18
2025-01-01 09:30:00 2025-01-01 00:03:40

8 - Asteroid

input data is below.                                      


Created OnClose Date
01-01-2025 00:00:1601-01-2025 00:00:18
01-01-2025 00:00:3001-01-2025 00:03:40



Created OnClose Date
01-01-2025 09:30:0001-01-2025 00:00:18
01-01-2025 09:30:0001-01-2025 00:03:40


Created on date is got converted after using the logics which you shared.  It should come as 00:00:00 when its created date and the closed date fall under non working hours.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I have carefully looked the data again and revised the flow.
I am quite confident this time.



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