Hi Team ,
F2 F3 percentage
1950 1960 -0.512820512820513
494547 499614 -1.02457400408859
0 0 null
0 0 null
i used following formula to get percentage column = ([F2]-[F3])/[F2]*100
my percentage column should be
After using formula tool i have used select tool to fixed decimal to string and then added % symbol
Please let me know it can be done in same formula tool
Hey @BRRLL99, can definitely do this in a single Formula expression! All we need to add to your original expression is the rounding (which the FixedDecimal precision was handling previously), and also a conversion function of ToString() to make it a string before it leaves the expression and we can add the percentage sign. Hope this helps!
even for last 2 rows,
the result should be 0.00%
I believe a Formula tool with below conditional statement should do the work,
If isnull([Percentage]) then '0.00%' else [Percentage] endif